I loved it! Awesome work dude :P A little bit of an awkward ending but I can understand that it's a Jam- super fun stuff :P
I loved it! Awesome work dude :P A little bit of an awkward ending but I can understand that it's a Jam- super fun stuff :P
It was alright, but the aiming and jump mechanics felt a little clunky. Thought the slow motion was cool at first before realising it pretty much stops you mid-air- it also doesn't really make sense to do it in midair because you need to wait for the aim thing to line up.
So- kinda fought the mechanics a little by tapping to jump then double tapping to fire. Think there's some improvements to be made but for a game jam it's pretty good!
It was pretty good, slowly became more and more frustrating as the camera starts flipping out of control at every collision and you can't slow down at all to be like 'Hm, how do I get up there?'
But it has a good style, nice soundtrack and it had some fun to it smashing stuff :P
Pretty good xD Feeling pretty lucky, everyone seems to of had issues with it but I rushed through and got out on my first go/ first attempt. Didn't know you could attack the monsters, I just followed the flashing lights then the escape route.
Really liked the mechanics-! Super weird way to move, nicely done!
Yeahhhh- no, totally got some people to vote it to front page. Theres no end- lasts 5 seconds- ehh
Man- this seemed pretty cool and I can see the hardwork put into it but I ran into a few problems during the playthrough- there were also a couple of things that bugged me a little ;P
Major issues are with dieing, I shot the creature when it was super close- instantly died. On re spawning I went back- thinking the creature was randomized- decided to talk to people again- then was suddenly attacked and killed.
After another respawn, I went back- shot the creature until it ran- did the blood samples then went to shoot the suspect. He walked a little too close to me when I clicked so I insta died, respawned with very little ammo. So- I went back, shot him till I ran out- noticed some more in the room then got a couple more shots in before it left.
A little buggy with the deaths, and I feel like I bumped into some things before I should of but it was fine as the game was getting interesting. Microscope is gone- so- being that I was super suspicious of the black guy who wasn't saying anything, who was also the only one in the lab with access to the microscope at the time and the one I couldn't get blood samples from- I quickly turned on the AC. Looking close- I couldn't see any breathing from either character. Was a little unsure- but I didn't have many bullets so I decided to leave- only to have the guy I suspected suddenly attack me. Then there was a black screen that I couldn't get out of O_O
Didn't want to restart and go through it again, there's a lot of things that could be improved on but it shows some potential. Reminds me of the visitor quite a bit ;P Would be nice to have the survivors randomized and such ;P
The game looks fun- but it crashes everytime you click out of it. It's heavily based on the mouse, so it's super frustrating clicking outside by mistake. Using chrome ;P
Update: I think I've fixed the freezing issue. I'm hoping I've also fixed the problem causing the crashes on loading some people have been getting. If anyone comes across any problems please let me know. I will do my very best to fix them.
Original response: When that happens it's not crashing, just freezing. If you switch to a different tab and back it'll unfreeze. Obviously that's not ideal behaviour, unfortunately the newer versions of the engine I use don't seem to like the way Newgrounds hosts games. I'm looking into it though. Thanks for the feedback.
Maaan- when I started playing this I almost rolled my eyes. <Ah- an artsy game with a sad story where you stay in one room- trying to show the grind in mmo's as a job>
Then- it slowly got more and more heartwarming, the choices never seemed to backfire and everything worked out- it was actually a surprisingly nice change! For a short story with basic gameplay, I actually really got into it! Now time to reset and see if there are other endings ;P
I'm new to flash... but i'd like to hear from scripts/ collabs/ help/ partnerships/ anything! You don't need flash to write a script ^-^ That's really all i have to say...
Age 32, Male
Animator/VoiceAct or
what about it?
Joined on 12/30/07